Monday, January 31, 2011

Its Been a Year?!!?

So am I the only one who can't believe that a year has gone by since I last posted? I mean, it surely amazes me that I went ahem A YEAR between posts, but also just thinking back on all that has happened in my life since then too, also amazes me.
I don't want to use this post to wax nostalgic, unless it involves food of some kind, so I'll go on with this...


I so cruelly fell off the blogging world in the middle of one of my best desserts, and the thought of any chocolate lover languishing in agony because the chocolate butter cream icing recipe is absent...well let's just say the guilt was ALMOST enough to keep me up at night. So in order to sleep well tonight, while also trying to forget the upcoming Step 2 CS exam I will go ahead and post the icing recipe tonight. One year late. Thank you for your mercy fellow foodies.

Chocolate Buttercream Icing

4 sticks butter, softened
Powdered sugar-at least 1 lb.
Unsweetened cocoa powder-I use Scharffen Berger
Optional: Vanilla Extract

1. Beat the butter with hand mixer, or in stand mixer, till smooth and creamy.
2. Add powdered sugar a little bit at a time while beating butter to desired creaminess/stiffness. I can't stress how important it is to do this small bits at a time, TRUST ME. The last thing you want to do is go over on the sugar and dry out your icing. It seems there is some magical line where whoa stop it! should be obeyed, or your icing will leave the eater's mouths feeling like they just ate cotton balls.
3. When icing is of desired smooth creaminess, I get mine to where it can just barely hold a small peak when the spatula is pulled out, add cocoa 1 Tbs at a time and mix to desired chocolate flavor depth.
4. At this point to make things more interesting you can also mix in a couple teaspoons of vanilla extract. This will give the frosting more of that red velvet cake like flavor complexity.

Happy eating! I've missed you.

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